Sunday 23 January 2011

dating one's research

I don't normally read on-line comics, since I tend to have too many things to read in the way of e-mail, friends posts to their facebook, livejournal and blogs. However, today one of my friends sent me this link from the PhD Comics, and I thought it worth sharing with others. Having done a thesis kind of recently I really understand what the author is saying. Yes, yes indeed, one really does get *that* close to one's research project...


Crazy Life of a Writing Mom said...

That's hilarious! I'm glad I found your blog ;) I need to send that comic to my brother. He's an engineer and would get a kick out of that comic.

african girl said...

Very funny and indeed a good comic ideas to share with my friend. He has a thesis this semester and he should strive harder and break a leg about it!